Gregory A. 'Greg' Sarratt
Huntsvile, AL
QCWA # 35409
My home station is operational from 3.5 MHZ to 1.2GHz, except 902MHz. Active on D-STAR, digital mode technology.
Mobile station operational on HF, 6m, 2m, 440, APRS and 1.2GHz, including 3 band D-STAR.
Active in emergency communications, promote preparedness, training, experience, and lead Alabama D-STAR.
Hold WAS, VUCC on 50 MHz and 144MHz. Working on VUCC for other bands and DXCC.
Active and enjoy contest. Field Day, fixed, rover and portable, QSL 100%, Logbook of The World .
ARRL Life member, ARRL Diamond Club, member of DeKalb County ARC, Huntsville ARC, Southeastern VHF Society, Drake Technical College ARC,Birmingham ARC, Alabama D-STAR and QCWA.
ARRL Service: Southeastern Division Director January 2008 to present, Alabama Section Manager 2004-2007, Alabama SEC, Alabama TC and Alabama TS.
Have fun, experiment and make the best of the Amateur Radio Service!
73, Greg, W4OZK
ARRL Southeastern Division Director

Greg with ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN
February 14, 2013