W4QI - June 23, 1997
 circa 1979 |
Lemmie L. Holland
Siler City, NC
QCWA # 10190
Chapters 89 & 126
December 6, 1910 - June 23, 1997
Lemmie, W4QI, my first cousin, passed away in June 1997. He was licensed in 1931 at age 20 and held the same call for his 66 years as an Amateur Radio operator. He was my inspiration to get my Amateur Radio license.
Checking my radio log in the computer, I had 1,024 contacts with Lemmie using W4YDY and my two second station calls, K4IWJ and K5NC. I talked to him on the radio every year from 1953 to 1996 except for 1974 and 1975. Also I talked to him from a number of other stations including K2USA in Ft. Monmouth, NJ. Over five percent of my radio contacts until 1997 were with Lemmie. I do miss his voice coming in on my speaker.
Thanks to William, WA4JMT, in Bristol, VA. for the first two pictures. Another first cousin of ours, Allen, KF4FMX, received his license in December 1995 and Lemmie was happy that Allen finally joined the Amateur Radio fraternity.

His wife, Mozel, K4VVA, passed away in August 1997.
The picture is Lemmie and Mozel on July 7, 1979 in their yard.

This is the J-38 Morse code key that belonged to Lemmie. It is probably the same key that I used in 1952 when he had me studying the code for my Amateur Radio license. I spent a couple of weeks in the summer with him and received my license in October, 1952. Lemmie put the red tape on it and I will not remove it. The hand key was given to me from his estate. I use that key and a paddle for my CW operations now.

W4QI Amateur Radio Shack in the 1930s, Lemmie's radio shack in the 1930s. I can still remember when I was about four years old, we visited Lemmie at his home in Siler City in 1939. That was the first time I can remember seeing an Amateur Radio Station. With my chin just clearing the desktop, I stood in awe looking at all that equipment. He said he could talk far away with it! The bug had bit but it was about 13 years later that I got the license.

Probably was Lemmie's first QSL card. Someone told me that many QSL cards from the 1930s had pictures of the radio shack and the operator in the corner. The receiver is listed on the QSL card below as a Breting 12. Although the transmitter in the rack is different in the two pictures, the receiver is the same.

This was the QSL card that Lemmie used for years. On the date blank, the year was printed as 194__. From that, you can be sure it was printed in the 1940s.

A QSL card Lemmie sent to W4BYY in 1935. The cartoon is right funny. Found the card surfing the Internet and obtained it from the W8JYZ collection.

postmark; Siler City, August 1, 1935 at 11 AM.

This is a circa 1957 picture of W4YDY at Lemmie's station in the den of his home. He had a National NC-240D receiver and a Heathkit DX-100 AM transmitter. Lemmie took the picture and it is now faded out and has many scratches as you can see!

Holland Amateur Radio Society - W4QI License
Pictures and text taken from W4YDY's website