W4RBG 1922 - 2017
Roy B. Carthen
Winter Park, FL
QCWA # 10465
First Call: W5JBY in 1946 Other Call(s): K9LDE W5JDX
Master Chief Roy B. Carthen 1922 - 2017
It is with heavy heart that I announce the passing of a great man, my Dad, Roy Burton Carthen. A truly great man who had his priorities in life correct.
First and foremost his relationship with Jesus Christ his Lord. From a young age after giving his heart to Christ he served him with pleasure where ever and in whatever capacity he was call to serve.
Second was his family, to his first wife Angie, my Mom for 62 ½ years. To his second wife Bertie the best second Mom I could have for 12 years. And to me and my sister Angelia for all of our lives.
Thirdly he served his Country for 23 ½ years in the U. S. Navy He was the second man ever to receive the rank of E9 Master Chief. Earning numerous awards and citations during World War II and Korea.
He continued his career at Cape Canaveral writing technical manuals for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Space Missions.
He obtained his Florida real estate license and developed and sold mobile home parks throughout Central Florida.
He will be greatly missed.
In lieu of flowers, the family graciously requests contributions be made in memory of Roy to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan's Purse.