David W. Langley
Greenville, NC
QCWA # 37021
Chapter 126
Continuously licensed as W4YDY since October 7, 1952. Only holder of the W4YDY call sign.
Editor of the Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club (BARC) Internet site - http://www.w4amc.com/
Former Editor of BARC Ham Chatter newsletter (18 years).
The first station to use PSK31 from the South Pole was KC4AAA. The first station they contacted was W4YDY on November 5, 2001.
Life Member - American Radio Relay League
Honorary Life Member - Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club
Honorary Life Member - Raleigh Amateur Radio Society
Lemmie, W4QJ, a cousin, took this in 1957 of me at his station in the den of his home. He had a National NC-240D receiver and a Heathkit DX-100 AM transmitter. It's now faded out and has many scratches.
March 19, 2016