W5APX - October 25, 2002
Director 1984 - 1991
Arthur P. 'Art' Kay
Port Arthur, TX
QCWA # 06417
ARTHUR KAY, Jr., W5APX, Candidate for re-election as Director QCWA, was first licensed as 4ACC, in 1926. Art has served as Director of QCWA since 1985 and has been active in trying to protect the amateur radio service by encouraging members to take a positive stance with regard to the political aspects involved.
Arthur is president of Kay Electronics, Inc., of Port Arthur, TX and of Kay Radio & Electronic Service of Alexandria, LA. He holds the amateur Extra Class License, and is a Life Member of ARRL, member of Texas Rifle Assoc., of the NRA and of SOWP. Art has worked for the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey as a marine radio operator, in broadcasting and in police radio service.
Art is wellinformed as to the actions before the FCC having to do with commercial as well as amateur services. "If re-elected, I will continue to try to build a stronger amateur radio service utilizing the long experience of QCWA-ARRL members and the ARRL working in harmony. This should enhance our standing with government regulatory bodies, making them aware of the Amateur Service and of its value to the United States."