Patricia M. 'Patty' Martin
Richardson, TX
QCWA # 35351
Patty is an EXTRA CLASS AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR and was the first woman in the USA to receive all levels of ARRL Emergency Communications Certification. In 2011, Patty was named "Lighthouse Activator of the Year 2010," by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society. She and Jim have worked portable from over 80 lighthouses all over the US, Canadaand around the world.
My OM, Jim, and I have been hams since 1986. We got our first licenses together. Enjoy 2 mtrs, 10, 20, 40 and "hand-held" Satellite contacts as well as lots of "Lighthouse Expeditions" such as N8L from UP Michigan this Summer, 2003, and special events throughout the year. We also sometimes work 20 & 40 mtrs. from our cabin in East Texas, Morris County. Finally completed DXCC & DXCC Millenium.
So proud to have been an amateur radio operator for 25 Years -- first licensed in October 1986!
April 26, 2015