W5DPD - 1993
Marie W. Smith
El Paso, TX
QCWA # 18821
Chapter 64
Known by Many! Loved and Missed by ALL who knew her!
Originator of the Lady Bug for WTRA (West Texas Repeater Association).
One of the Original Founding Members of WTRA.
One of the Original Founding Members of CRABS (Comanche Remote Amateur Base Society), Now MARIE (Mountaintop Amateur Remote Intertie El Paso).
Known to always be monitoring the repeaters in the El Paso area, if you ever ran into trouble you could count on giving a shout on one of the machines and W5DPD would be there to assist! Also active on the HF Bands.
Marie (W5DPD) was the glue that kept everyone working together, and the oil that kept everything running smoothly. She will be greatly missed.
In her Memory and in Tribute to her, this callsign "W5DPD" is back on the air in the El Paso area, Now held by her daughter-in-law, Cherry M. Smith, XYL of her son, KA5CDJ.
OM is Bob K5VRF(SK - 2012)
Obituary/biography: w5dpd.org
Photo #1: w5dpd.org
