W5HD - February 16, 1992
Director 1984 - 1987
Vice President 1989 - 1991
Hugh Winter
Albuquerque, NM
QCWA # 12664
Chapter 94
Hugh Winter, W5HD passed away February 16, 1992 at age 80. Hugh was a retired Colonel in the Army Air Corps and Air Force, having served from 1941 to 1967. He helped in the early development of radar and electronic warfare and was active in teaching these subjects.
He was also a Professor at the University of Albuquerque from 1978 through 1985.
Hugh had been a very active ham since 1930 and currently held an Extra Class License. He was a past Vice President of QCWA: past Director and Vice Director or the Rocky Mountain division of ARRL; past President and Board member of the Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club: past President and Board member of the Amateur Radio Caravan Club; member of the Upper Rio FM Society; Life Member of IEEE: member of the Sons of the American Revolution; and an accomplished writer of technical articles for va1ious publications.
Hugh is survived by his wife Dorothy of Albuquerque.
Memorial services were Wednesday, February 19. 1992.
Joe T. Knight W5PDY
This is HAMCALL ARCHIVE DATA from 1995:
Hugh Winter, W5HD
7010 Phoenix Ave NE Apt 509
Albuquerque, NM 87110
License Class: Extra
License Issue Date: Mar 21 1989
License Expiration Date: Mar 21 1999
FCC Last Transaction: M
Birth Date: Feb 13 1912
Latitude: 35.109, 35d 6m 31s N
Longitude: 106.578, 106d 34m 39s E
Grid: DM65RC
County: Bernalillo
Hours +/- GMT: 7