Elihu D. 'Eli' Lebow
Tulsa, OK
QCWA # 34132
My handle is 'Eli'; received my license in 1960. I am originally from Wheeling, WV; moved to Tulsa, OK in 1966. Enjoy operating cw and phone on 80-10 running an Icom 7600 with an Ameritron ALS-600 amp when needed to a Hustler ground mounted vertical with radials. I also operate on 6 meters using a 3-element yagis. I serve as a volunteer examiner.
I graduated college in 1963 and went on active duty in the Navy; was on board the USS Grand Canyon AD-28 (destroyer tender) for 2 years and had the opportunity to operate maritime mobile coming back from the Mediterranean running phone patches; my call then was K8ZPS/MM. It was a memorable experience.
In May of 1966, I got married to my college sweetheart. We have two daughters and four grandchildren. I am now RETIRED as of November 15, 2014 after 42 years selling photographic equipment.
Other hobbies are photography, woodworking and shooting pistols on an indoor range.
October 08, 2015