W5SNF - September 24, 2014
John . Harper
Ft Worth, TX
QCWA # 15058
John W. Harper, 99, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014, just six weeks shy of his 100th birthday. Service: 1 p.m. Saturday at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ. Interment: Shannon Rose Hill Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Shannon Rose Hill Funeral Chapel.
John was born Oct. 27, 1914, in Falls County to Alford Clark Harper and Floy Mae Busby. He lived his entire life in the Fort Worth area. On Oct. 14, 1939, he married the love of his life, Ruby Mosley. To their union one son, John W. Harper Jr., was born. He was a ham radio operator, known by the call sign of W5SNF, known by many as "Snuffy." Many of his calls were preceded by the ringing of his cow bell.
In August 2014 he was honored by the Fort Worth Fire Department as the oldest retired firefighter in Fort Worth. For 39 years he served the city at Stations 12 and 20. He was loved by many with many names, John, J.W., the Candyman, Jay, Snuffy, Uncle J., Uncle Jaybo, Brother and Brother Harper. He will be missed by all who knew him.
He was preceded by his parents and stepfather, Henry Benjamin Blair; a sister, Francis B. Hamm; and son, John W. Harper Jr. Survivors: Sister, Jozelle Pledger; grandson, Randy Mathes; and many nieces and nephews.
Published in Star-Telegram on Sept. 26, 2014
See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dfw/obituary.aspx?n=john-w-harper&pid=172580535&fhid=11515#sthash.LktivGKt.dpuf
Obituary/biography: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Photo #1: Star-Telegram Obituary photo