W5WP 1936 - 2019
William D. 'Dave' Paperman
Cleveland, TX
Cut-N-Shoot, TX
QCWA # 21745
Chapter 27
First Call: WN5KBX in 1963 Other Call(s): WA5KBX KL7FOQ WB5INB XE1IKG WQ5Y
William David "Dave" Paperman died peacefully in his sleep, after a brief illness in his home in Cut-n-Shoot, Tx. on January 25,2019 at the age of 82.
Dave was preceded in death by his parents Abraham and Ruth Paperman, both naturalized citizens from Russia.
Dave was born on July 9, 1936 in Bronx New York. He graduated from New York public school in 1950. After serving in the Air Force he began working for the government. He worked and retired from Texas Children's Hospital where he helped develop the "Houston Area Hospital Emergency Radio Network(H.A.H.E.R.N).
Dave worked as a cinematographer/photographer, an Amateur Radio Operater, his callsign over the air "W5WP" is now silent, he will be missed.
Dave's charities are St. Jude and Shirners Children Hospital and American Veterans.
Published on yourconroenews.com from Feb. 13 to Feb. 26, 2019
From: Dave's Website - http://www.wpaperman.com/w5wp/w5wp.html
Although my "legal" name is William, I go by my middle name, Dave, or David. Primary amateur radio activities are DXing, some contesting and rag chewing with DX friends. Technical interests are propagation, station control, antennas and "Elmering".
My station consists of the following and is configured for two operators both for EMCOM and contesting:
Primary position: Icom IC756 Pro3 with R.F. Communications (Harris) RF-102 amplifier; Drake MN-2000 Antenna matching unit.Second position: Icom IC756 Pro2 with IC2KL Amplifier;AT500 tuner with alternate access to a second Harris RF Communications RF 102 Amplifier.
Antennas: Tower #1 - 74 foot "Crank up": 5 element monoband yagis on 10,15,20 meters. Tower #2: TH6DXX @ 45 feet,normally for central-south America; 8 Element "home brew 6 meter yagi. Tower #3: Telrex TB6EM @ 85 feet fixed on Asia. 3 - 80 meter Slopers, switched, 3 - 18 HT "High-Tower antennas, switched and tower #4, 52 foot Crank up with 4- 5 Wavelength 17 element M2 antennas, phased with AZ and EL rotators.
With guest operators we operate MS/HP in ARRL DX and CQWW SSB contests. Solo I operate unassisted in the ARRL10 meter contest (LP Mixed) and the IARU (Mixed HP).
I collect and restore Hallicrafters, Drake (pre "7" line), Johnson and similar. Focus is on operating condition as opposed to cosmetics restoration. I also repair "Boatanchor" transceivers and amplifiers for others. Also, with a machine shop on site I work on obsolete (Telrex, etc.) rotators and other Amateur related mechanical and electro-mechanical items
Administrator of the VINTAGE RADIO DX 100 AWARD.
Other interests include woodworking, machine shop and photography.
Awards held include 160 through 10 meter DXCC's, Honor Roll (SSB), TOP of the Honor Roll (#1) mixed; 5 Band DXCC (CW); DXCC (RTTY); DXCC Challenge (2000+), W100N (World Radio); Worked All VK Call Areas (WAVKCA); Worked All Europe, Class I, SSB (WAE-I); VUCC (6 meters); WAZ,SSB and CW; WAS including Geratol 75m Extra Class and 160m mixed; IOTA 600+.
In April of 2009, with the acceptance of the 7OGYF operation I reached "Top of the Honor Roll" (#1).
Current Stats: MIXED-340/348; SSB-338/348; CW-321/324; RTTY-228/230
160m-104/106; 80m-189/191; 40m-237/240; 30m-157/150; 20m-323/325; 17m-202/204; 15m-307/310; 12m-202/204; 10m-246/250; 6m- 78/79
Life Member: ARRL, QCWA, HIDXA, 1010 International, INDEXA, Texas VHF-FM Society and the Houston ECHO Society. Member: Israel Amateur Radio Club.
Public Service includes: Registered Instructor, Volunteer Examiner (VE), Field Examiner, A.R.E.S. member (former E.C.) for Montgomery County, Texas and C.E.R.T. Level 417 Trainer.
I hold the following FEMA/Emergency Management training certifications: IS0002 (Emergency Preparedness);IS0003 (Radiological Emergency Preparedness; IS700 (NIMS); ICS (Incident Command System -DEM,DPS 24 hour course which includes 300/400)
Former calls are: WA5KBX (licensed in 1961), KL7FOQ, WB5INB, WQ5Y.
Professional affiliations include IEEE Communications society (Life Member)
I have operated "off-shore" as WB5INB/V2A, /PJ3 (now P43), XE1IKG, WQ5Y/XE1, WQ5Y/TI2, KG4WP (1994), 4X/W5WP (1997 and 2000) and most recently, HK5/W5WP (2001).
In 1989 I retired from my own wireless communications businesses. Recruited by Texas Childrens' Hospital in 1990, I retired as a Clinical Engineer in the Biomedical Engineering Department in May, 2002. Among the "hats" I wore were: Clinical EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) research and control, Telemedicine engineering and wireless communications systems development. Principal author of several peer reviewed papers related to EMI issues in Hospitals.
I presently offer consulting services to hospitals and land mobile services in the fields of wireless telecommunciations and EMI detection and control.
Trustee of K5TCH, (Texas Children's Hospital Amateur Radio Club) and the Houston ECHO Society 224.26 repeater.

Dave's DX Award

Those named below have made 2-way amateur radio contact with 100 counties, using vintage amateur radio equipment.
Cert # | Call | Name | Mode | Power | Equipment |
01 | W3YCH | Donald L. Flenner | SSB | HIGH | Hallicrafters SX101A/HT32A |
02 | W3EEE | Steve Dove | SSB | HIGH | Hallicrafters SR-2000 (Hurricane) |
03 | K4HL | J. Harvey Lester, Jr. | MIXED | LOW | Drake TR-4 |
04 | W3YCH | Donald L. Flenner | SSB | HIGH | Hallicrafters SX101A/HT32A;Heathkit SB1000 |
05 | W4LK | Larry Kirkland | CW | LOW | Drake 2B;Heathkit DX 60B;HG10 |
06 | KX4R | Greg Carter | SSB | LOW | Hallicrafters SX111/HT37 |
07 | WK0B | Gregory M. Bruce | CW | LOW | Hammarlund HQ170/Hallicrafters HT40/HA5 |
08 | W3EEE | Steve Dove | SSB | LOW | KW Atlanta |
09 | WM7A | John DeRuiter | SSB | LOW | Hallicrafters SX115/HT32 |
10 | W3EEE | Steve Dove | CW | LOW | Hallicrafters SX117/HT44 |
11 | W5WP | W. David Paperman | SSB | HIGH | Hallicrafters SR-2000 (Hurricane) |
12 | N5OHL | Jim Richardson | MIXED | LOW | Heathkit SB101 |
13 | WA5SWN | Clarence H. Annett | SSB | LOW | Heathkit SB301/SB401 |