James W. Griffith
San Antonio, TX
QCWA # 35872
Chapter 38
Navy veteran served as radioman on active duty from 1957-1961. Remained in reserve program and did short term active duty assignemts as an airborne radioman during summer college breaks. Retired with 32 years of combined service as a Chief Warrant Officer CWO-4.
Attended college: Associate Degree Electrronic Engineering and Bachelor Degree in Geology.
First licensed in 1962 as WA4TWO. Active in navy MARS CW traffic nets while attending college. Built most of our ham radio stations from surplus military equipment. After graduating I was employed as a well site geologist with assignments to the Middle East and Texas Gulf Coast.
I supplemented my income as a Merchant Marine Radio Officer while attending graduate school. Acquired a handfull of federal licenses, holding a radiotelephone, radiotelegraph with radar endorsement and extra class radio license.
Applied for new call sign when I moved to Texas. Assigned call W5XP.
Now retired and operating from San Antonio, Texas. Just getting back into the ham radio hobby after a long period of inactivity. Present operating rig is a Yaesu FT-950 with auto tuner into a dipole. Sure wished I had not moved into a resticted development. Wife an I spend our retirement years touring the world and taking extended motorcycle trips.

November 29, 2016