Jason P. McClaren
Yukon, OK
QCWA # 37471
Chapter 63
:-) I hope to catch you on the air sometime.
My primary modes at the present time are UHF DMR (Brandmeister) and FM Analog VHF/UHF (2m and 70cm) because I can transmit from my radios directly to the repeater. With that being said, though, it is really great to still be able to enjoy the D-Star and C4FM/Wires-X digital modes with the use of the SharkRF OpenSpot, eventhough there are no repeaters that are operational here locally for those modes.
Locally (Central Oklahoma): DMR (BM) - TG Oklahoma Central TS2 (31401), Oklahoma TAC TS2 (31400), Oklahoma Statewide TS2 (3140), NW Local 2, North Local 2. ANALOG 2m/70cm - 147.135, 444.100, 145.490, 146.670, 443.425, 147.210, 146.700, 443.300, 146.790, 146.850, 443.050. D-STAR - DPLUS REF052/B (Oklahoma) and DPLUS REF001/C C4FM/WIRES-X/YSF: YSFReflector/OklahomaLink, Wires-X/AmericaLink, and 443.275
Nationwide/Worldwide: DMR (BM) - TG Oklahoma Central TS2 (31401), TAC 310, TG (US) 3100, TAC 311, TAC 312. D-STAR - DPLUS REF052/B (Oklahoma) and DPLUS REF001/C C4FM/WIRES-X/YSF - YSFReflector/OklahomaLink and Wires-X/AmericaLink HF/6m - HamSphere (3.0/4.0)... Unfortunately, I do not have any HF gear presently. I am a HUGE fan of keeping the radio in Amateur Radio, so I plan on fixing that situation at some point. I want a Yaesu FT-991a, FT-857d, or an Icom IC-7100. I have space restrictions with regards to antenna installation because of living in a neighborhood, so we'll see when the time comes. I am leaning towards the FT-991a because I want also operate JT65 (learn how to) and it seems that out of those three option it is better suited for it.
My equipment at the present time: Yaesu FT-8800R (Go Kit) and a Slim Jim, Hytera PD782G, Motorola XPR7550, TYT MD-390GPS, Yaesu FT2DR, Kenwood TH-D74A, Samsung Galaxy Note 5 running EchoLink and HamSphere, Samsung Galaxy Tab S running HamSphere and EchoLink, ASUS Laptop w/Windows10 linked to HamSphere 3.0 and 4.0, and two SharkRF Openspots (linked individually with MR-3040 TPLinks for portable operations as needed). Again, I am a HUGE fan of keeping the radio in Amateur Radio, so I plan on adding some sort of modest HF setup soon to replace the temporary Hamsphere setup.
.Member of ARRL
.Member of QWCA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) #37471
.Member of EARS (Edmond Amateur Radio Society)
.Member of QRZ.COM
Hello. I have been an amateur radio operator since I was 12 years old. I first got my license (novice) back in 1983 and have been continuously licensed ever since. I did quite a bit of HF back then on my father's equipment (Collins mostly...he had the whole S-Line Collins setup) and also I had a Icom IC-2AT (2 meters) which I thought was the coolest thing ever. It was a really nice radio back then (autopatch before cellphones..haha). In 1984, after traveling to the FCC Field Office in Kansas City, Missouri to take the test, I earned my technician class license (I just turned 14). That same year my father put up an antenna to specifically be able to talk to the space shuttle and the Ham Operator on board (Dr. Owen Garriott, W5LFL). We actually did make contact although it was very brief. That was a cool highlight for me in Amateur Radio. I have been off and on active throughout the years, but have been more active in the last 4 years or so. I just passed the Extra Class exam and am definitely excited about that. Right now I'm really enjoying DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) a lot through local DMR repeaters and also C4FM/Wires-X and D-STAR through my SharkRF OpenSpot. I am usually monitoring or operating on the Brandmeister DMR Network on Oklahoma Central (TG 31401), Oklahoma TAC (TG 31400), Oklahoma Statewide (TG 3140), and/or TAC310. You might also find me on REF052B (Oklahoma), REF001C, and XRF002A on D-STAR, OklahomaLink on the YSF Reflector (C4FM), and AmericaLink on Wires-X. I also monitor and participate in nets on the analog repeaters here locally in the Oklahoma City area (I still really like analog FM). I even love hearing the morse code station identifications still (I'm weird..haha). I am primarily on 2 meters and 70cm. It is just really convenient and portable way to be active in Amateur Radio. I can and have talked to hams all over the world on one of my HT's. It is great! I am looking forward to getting back into some HF real soon. I would like to start off with a Yaesu FT-991a, Yaesu FT-857d, or an Icom IC-7100 and couple of antennas (ATAS for mobile and I'm not sure yet for base). We'll see. They are pretty expensive radios and antennas. I am leaning towards the 857d or 991a. I do not have a ham shack at this point (although I would love to have one). Right now I need the convenience of being able to move it around with ease and also sometimes be able to take it in the vehicle.
One thing, among many, that I love about amateur radio is the people. Truly. I mean over the years I have met some of the nicest folks who are Hams. When I was a kid there were so many ham operators that my father knew that were the nicest people I think I had ever met. That is still true. Also, I just love my gadgets...my radios, etc. Haha.. Anyway, that is a very brief and small picture of some of my radio story. -W5ZP
August 05, 2017