Everett W. 'Ev' Curry Jr
Hillsboro, OR
QCWA # 31530
Chapter 108
On the air, Everett uses the name EV, a nickname for EVERETT.
Everett Curry Jr. was licensed in July, 1956 as KN6VGL (Novice Class) and subsequently upgraded to Technician Class as K6VGL. He retained this license until upgrading to Advanced Class in 1995 and Extra Class in 2000. He has lived in California, Hawaii, and Oregon and currently resides at Hillsboro Oregon.
Everett is active in amateur radio. He is serving as ARRL Oregon Section Manager (January, 2014 - Present). He is editor of "The Oscillator," the quarterly journal and Secretary of the of Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club. He serves as Membership Chair and coordinates the General Class Upgrade series offered by the club annually.
He is a charter member of the Tualatin Valley Contesters and serves as trustee for that club's license, W7TVC. He is a member of Willamette Valley DX Club.
November 9, 2015