W6AG 1920 - 2011
Richard B. 'Red' Blanchard
North Hollywood, CA
QCWA # 6095
First Call: W1LDI in 1938 Other Call(s): W2OIQ, W6UYG and W6SYR
Richard Bogardus "Red" Blanchard Jr was an American radio show personality in California markets from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s whose shows were novelty and comedy-oriented.
Red was also a musician and record producer and released a few novelty songs of his own in the early 1950s.
Blanchard also added his voice to novelty songs written and performed by recording personality Nervous Norvus, and to radio commercials.
In 1965 Blanchard became the technical director of the Los Angeles station KHJ-TV until he retired in 1978.