W6AX - 1987
Thorn L. Mayes
Durango, CO
QCWA # 2950
OOTC # 229
Thorn L. Mayes, W6AX, Ex-W9AX, Ex-6BDQ, 6AX, K6BI, K2CE, W1CX. Handle "Thorn". Born April 19, 1903. First 2-way wireless contact 1921. Retired Manager-Engineering-General Electric Co., Indiana Heating. 1921-23 operated 6BDQ and 6AX Coalinga High School Rig. Graduated from Univ. of California 1927 BSEE. 1949 obtained call K6BI used G09 xmtr Oakland. 1949 K2CE using TDE-2 xmtr from Schenectady. 1950-52 call W1CX using TDE-2 from Marblehead. 1952-56 call W9AX from Fort Wayne. 1958-63 W9AX using DX-100 from Shelby-ville, Indiana. Is collecting antique gear (prior to 1922), books and magazines. Has built spark set, experimenting with Tesla coils. Member IEEE-ASME-OOTC-AWA-SOWP-QCWA and ARAL.
Obituary/biography: OOTC
Photo #1: OOTC