Charles P. McConnell
Fresno, CA
QCWA # 19031
I am a Life Member of QCWA, of ARRL, of Old Old Timers Club, and of 10-X International. I was first licensed in 1960 in Nebraska as WØBMN. After completing BS and MS degrees at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, my wife and I moved to Fresno California so I could teach school. I retired from teaching in 2001 after 34 years. My call changed to W6DPD in 1968. I upgraded to Advanced in 1975 and Amateur Extra in 1994. I served at the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section Communications Manger/Section Manager from 1976 to 1989 and 2002 to the present. I served as the ARRL Pacific Division Vice Director from 1988 to 1989 and ARRL Pacific Division Director from 1990 to 1993. My son, John, is and Amateur Extra Class licensee in 1995 with the call sign of K6ESL.
I was one of the founding members of QCWA Fresno Chapter 213 and serve as the Secretary Treasurer. I received a Meritorious Service Award from the Chapter. I am the trustee for the Chapter 213 call signs, WQ6CWA and W6GV. I participate in the QCWA Sunday 20 Meter net.
I am the VE Team Liaison for the Fresno VE Team, and have presided over the examination of over 1,000 candidates since 1995.
I hold WAS and WAC on 6 meters, DXCC #1 Honor Roll, WAZ and A-1 Operator. I belong to the Central California DX Club and as the secretary/treasurer, the Fresno Amateur Radio Club, The Northern California Contest Club, The Northern California DX Club, Hawaii DX Association, Western Public Service System, the San Joaquin Net, and the Big Island Amateur Radio Club.
September 26, 2008