W6EO 1922 - 2018
Thomas L. 'Tom' Nelson
Davis, CA
QCWA # 28648
First Call: W6QVB in 1938 Other Call(s): KZ5VB
Please see below for the write up that I did on Tom. Sorry, I do not have date of death.
As I was reading my April edition of the QST from ARRL, I found myself sadden by the entry under Silent Key for Tom, W6EO. I had visited Tom last Fall and we talked about his Ham activities and also about his work in the State Hospital at Napa. Tom and his wife worked at the State Hospital for many years. He was the Medical Director of that facility and his wife, an M.D, also held a position at the Hospital. They were devoted to one another both at home and at work.
Tom was a CW operator, a Radio Station (KRE I think it was) in Emryville California during his college days, a skilled designer and fabricator of jewelry, and an all around nice guy. He participated in many of the events conducted by the Yolo Amateur Radio Society (and before that Yolo County Amateur Radio Club). He also belonged to the California Historical Radio Society, located in 2152 Central Ave, Alameda, California. His estate sent his many CW keys to this Society.
Tom made a presentation to the Yolo Amateur Radio Society a few years ago. He informed us that one of his great achievements as a commercial radio announcer (Station KRE) was to state that "Peal Harbor had been bombed." Later in that evening, Tom showed of his many pieces of jewelry that he made.
I visited Tom's home today, to find that it had just been sold. The Real Estate staff at the home had the place ready for new owners. They stated that Tom had past away last Fall and his son had taken care of all arrangements. I have looked on the Internet and cannot find a date for Tom's passing, nor can I find his son's (Thomas Nelson Jr.) address in Colorado.
Tom will be missed. May he rest in peace.
Gary, WA6TQJ
President Yolo Amateur Radio Society-Mt Vaca Radio Club
Yolo Amateur Radio Society
Demonstration at Sacramento City College, Electronics Club
August 27, 2005

Tom showing off his QSL cards