Marcelo Bornscheuer
Grand Rapids, MI
QCWA # 38149
First Call: CE6EUH issued in 1983 Other Call(s): CE6MBQ XQ6MBQ XQ6BQ KD8VAC
QSL info:eQSL.cc
Paper QSL? :) Your QSL card will always be welcome!
a) Direct
NO contribution needed. (SAE and any collectible sticker or stamp would be very appreciated, though).
b) Bureau - VIA CE6RFP (CHILE)
Note: Unless otherwise agreed during the QSO, I'd rather wait until I receive my correspondent's QSL; then I'll send mine ASAP.
Should you have already sent yours and have been waiting too long, please kindly let me know about it via email: mycallsign (at) qsl.net
Please, don't put me on any "black list", I don't deserve that! :)
About me:
Freelance Translator/Editor&Proofreader (English>Spanish)
Ham since 1982 in Chile; my 1st callsign was CE6EUH.
Other previous callsigns: CE6MBQ, 3G6MBQ, XQ6MBQ, XQ7MBQ, XQ2BQ.
XQ6BQ since 2010.
W6EUH since June, 2013
XR6EUH - Special Callsign in Chile, valid 8-Oct-2012 to 31-Dec-2013; 28-Jan-2014 to 31-Dec-2014.
Member of:
Radio Club Osorno CE6OS, 1982-1992
Radio Club Llanquihue CE7LL, 1993
Radio Club Gaviotas de Vina del Mar CE2GVM, 2006-2008
Radio Club Volcan Osorno CE6RCO since 2011
Radio Club de Chile CE3AA since 2012
Osorno Contest Team since 2012.
Remember: The Final Courtesy of a QSO is a QSL
At Least 5 Ways to QSL:
1) Snail Mailed QSL Cards
3) Bureau (ARRL and/or other organizations world wide)
4) eQSL
5) Others . QRZ.com, HRDlog.net, etc.
Note: It's better to check first in QRZ.com about each ham's QSL preferences. Some fellows don't even want a QSL, many don't use the Bureau, etc.
73, Marcelo
January 18, 2020