W6HHN - 1996
Irwin R. Wolfe
Palo Alto, CA
QCWA # 245
Chapter 11
Born in Russia 1904

From the 1953 QCWA Yearbook

August 25, 1996
Summer Journal 1996 Irv Wolf's life was a long one, and closely tracks that of radio (ham and otherwise) as though they were twins. Irv became a silent key recently, but remained active to the end of his almost 92 years. Besides being a long-time NORCAL Chapter 11 Board Member and Entertainment Chairman, his voice was almost always heard on both the chapter's Saturday VHF net and the Sunday HF net. He was honored at a special chapter luncheon in April, where old-timers related stories of how it was in the old days. Irv's life story is as interesting as any of those tales.
Although born in Russia, Irv came to the US as an infant. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York - the same place as the better know George Burns. They were both involved in broadcasting and vaudevuille, although in different ways - as interesting aside. Over the yuear, Irv was primarily involved with radio in some form, and secondarily with entertainment, poetry, and later family. He wrote many articles for ham radiopublications, including QCWA.
Jim Williams Sr, K6HIO