W6KJ - April 1, 2017
Ronald D. 'Ron' Murdock
Yuba City, CA
QCWA # 25195
Chapter 169
MURDOCK - Ronald Dwight Murdock, 76, of Yuba City, CA, passed away April 1, 2017. Arrangements are under the direction of Ullrey Memorial Chapel, (530) 673-9542.
Published in Appeal Democrat on Apr. 4, 2017
First licensed in Michigan as WN8WRT and over the next four years I had four different call signs. Kept WB5FIX for 25 years, before applying for W6KJ, the call of my good friend Russ Hanlon of San Francisco.
For over 25 years I served in the USAF, first as a B52 radar navigator (over 5000 hours and about 300 combat missions in SEA) and then in various staff positions. I travelled at government expense to Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Germany, and Panama. I had one tour near our nation's capital, flew on Looking Glass (SAC Airborne Command Post) and finished up at the unit that flys the U-2 and SR-71.
After USAF combat crew service, I worked as a substitute teacher for 15 years. I served four terms as ARRL Section Manager in the Sacramento Valley Section (20 counties of Northeastern California) until 1 October 2015.
My favorite ham radio activity is rag chewing and helping new hams get on the air. I am currently using software defined radios and a five band four element quad at 50 feet, and a G5RV on all bands.