W6MA 1920 - 2018

William R. 'Bill' Doud
Long Beach, CA
QCWA # 7822
Chapter 7
First Call: WØNF in 1940 | Other Call(s): WØHEX, W9TVD, W8IBL, W7UYG, W6HEZ, W6DTH, K6GVU, W5PNV, W4LDU and W1DWK |
William R. Doud passed away on January 12, 2018.
William "Bill" Doud, a retired CSULB professor, became a ham radio operator a the age of 14.
Following high school, Bill served as a Radioman in the US Navy during World War II.
Throughout the years, Bill mentored many with an interest in ham radio, assisting them with study and preparation for the licensing exams. Bill was a great man and a ham enthusiast his entire life.