W6MFC 1917 - 2011
Hugh S. Allen
Sherman Oaks, CA
QCWA # 25458
Chapter 7
First Call: W6JYY in 1933 Other Call(s): W2CPF
Hugh Silas Allen Jr. was born on October 15, 1917 in Texarkana, Texas. He was the eldest son of his parents Hugh and Theresa Allen, with his younger brother John Wright Allen 3 years his junior.
The family traveled a lot in Hugh's early years because Hugh's father worked for the railroad. His Family finally settled in San Francisco where he attended the local Gallieo High School. He later attended and graduated from Berkley with a B.S. in Engineering.
After college, when WWII broke out, Hugh enlisted in the Navy and was sent to Officers Training School, and further trained in well known engineering colleges such as Bowden College to hone his skills in radio communications. He became a radio communications instructor during the war and taught pilots and radio personnel. He was eventually based in the Pacific. He served 3+ years, with a large amount of time in the Philippines. He attained the rank of Lieutenant.
Hugh met and married his first wife in San Francisco, but alas the marriage was a war casualty and they were divorced after a short time.
After Hugh left the service he reestablished his career in radio and then met and married Abigail (Gail) Allen, who was originally from Panama. After marrying Gail they moved to New York. He worked in radio at the U.N. where he began his audio career. He bought a house on Linda Lane where he and Gail cared for his aged and sick parents up until their deaths. Hugh's father was a diabetic and later an amputee while Hugh.s mother suffered from Alzheimer. Both parents are buried at Hillside Memorial, New York.
He joined the Pioneer Broadcaster's club in New York and later transferred to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters in Los Angeles, where many notable TV, Radio and Movie celebrities and technical workers are members.
Hugh traveled as a result of representing companies in the audio industry and was given the opportunity of heading up the West Coast Operations for a well know manufacturer of audio equipment in Hollywood as Vice President, where he spent the remainder of his working life when he moved to California in 1965. In 1965 he bought the house where he lived, and enjoyed over 45+ years on Royal Woods Dr. in Sherman Oaks, and worked on it over the years. He had 2 radio towers on his property - one 75 feet and one 50-feet. He was an avid Ham Radio Operator belonging to several radio clubs serving as an officer in a couple of clubs over the years. He was secretary of the 50s club up until he was in his eighties.
Hugh Silas also belonged to the Sapphire Club, a recording and broadcaster club in Hollywood where he spent much time with fellow engineers in the audio business as well as broadcasters. He was well known in audio, broadcasting and radio teaching and spoke at many professional gatherings, always ready to share knowledge before and after his retirement. He was still attending meetings up to 1990. He also attended meetings at Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters until he was in his 90's, with his stepdaughter escorting him in later years after his third wife, Elvira passed away.
At 65 years old Hugh decided to take care of himself, having become an insulin-diabetic. He wanted to travel the world e.g. Europe, Asia, South America, Mexico, which they did into his late seventies. Gail passed away in 1989 at their Sherman Oaks home. Hugh was interested in everything having played the guitar and trumpet; collecting; computer; ham radio operations; gourmet foods and cooking; home improvements projects; clubs and professional organizations; and enjoyed socializing with many people.
At 75-years old he met and married Elvira Teixeira and they lived in his Sherman Oaks home after a lovely wedding attended by friends and family given by Elvira's only child, Lenore Sussman. Lenore was later to become Hugh's companion after her mother died, keeping Hugh (Dad), in good health by seeing to his medical needs and attending to his finances. Hugh was happy he had acquired a fine daughter, in addition to his wife Elvira, and considered himself lucky.
Lenore Sussman was always close to her mother (Elvira), so after her marriage to Hugh, Lenore was always with here Mom & Dad. Unfortunately, Hugh was widowed again after 12 years with Elvira, who passed away May 25, 2005. Lenore fulfilled a promise she had made to her mother to take care of her Dad and was responsible for obtaining care givers for him, his medical needs, and socializing life. Lenore & Hugh went out once a week to the movies and dinner up to October, until Hugh fell and fractured his hip and the hospitalized with operations and rehab care. Hugh Allen passed away in the rehab facility where he was recovering and doing well, then suddenly and peacefully said his goodbyes to caregiver and Rehab Staff Members who were in his room at the time.