W6MLZ - December, 1984
Ray E. Meyers
San Grabriel, CA
QCWA # 2042
Ray was born on March 2, 1895, and passed away in December 1984. His exciting life included extensive service in the U.S. Navy during WWI. Here is his ARRL obituary from the March 1985 QST:
We regret to report the death of Ray Meyers, W6MLZ. An ARRL Southwestern Division Director from 1959 to 1965, Ray's radio career was very colorful, and included a stint as a radio operator on the privately owned submarine Nautilus. Manager of radio operations at Lockheed Corporation, he was president of the North Bay Amateur Radio Club, Lockheed Employees Radio Club and Ramona Radio Club, as well as the chairman of the San Francisco Council of clubs and vice chairman of the Los Angeles Council of clubs. Ray was host of the 1961 ARRL Board Meeting in Anaheim, California. After leaving the Director position in 1965, Ray served as Executive Secretary of the Old-Old-Timers Club. Ray's "nose for news" was legend -- he made sure ARRL got the publicity it deserved, and he turned in some great publicity photos for QST. We will miss him.