W6MRK 1952 - 2020
Mark R. Klebba
Manteca, CA
QCWA # 37406
First Call: WC6BIQ in 1977 Other Call(s): KJ6H
To all that knew and appreciated him, I'm having to say with the heaviest heart, my dad Mark R Klebba after fighting an upward battle for three months, had passed away due to complications from gall bladder surgery tonight. He was the ripe young age of 67. He's now with my mom, a place where he's always wanted to be. I have no funeral arrangements set just yet, if you message me then I will give you all the details as they become available to me.
I'm saddened to report a long-time Manteca Amateur Radio Club member, Mark R Klebba W6MRK, has passed away. Godspeed, Silent Key, and enjoy God's great reward in Heaven.
Mark was a mentor to me in getting things going with the ARRL Volunteer Exam system. My first test I graded was with him leading an ad hoc exam session for Roy's (KK6OQP) son, Carl (KE7HZN), at a Field Day in 2016 at the Ripon Fire House #2.
I'll relay any info I learn about a memorial service for him once his daughter has been able to arrange them.
From qrz.com
Well here we go....
Born in Highland Park, Michigan in late 1952. I lived there til I was 4 years old then kidnapped by my parents to move out to California in December of 1956 to Southern California's West Covina area. we lived there til 1963 to where I was again Kidnapped by my parents go live in a small suberb of Orange County call Yorba Linda. There I grew up and do all the usual things like finish off my elementary school, junior high and high school years, college and marriage years.
All this time Electronics had facinated me with TV's I learned that I wanted to repair them. So I started learning how to burn my fingers with tube type TV's, then in the late 60's and early 70's started to fall in love with CB radios. The TV shop I work for in Buena Park started to do the CB business and I learned that too, thats when I discovered the world of FCC licensing, and did that too.
In fall of 1974 I married my wife of 36 years (to date), and she supported me in my electronic endeavors. She got sick with various diseases and a brain tumor which was benign, but forced her brain to go into early dementia, she had her brain tumor removed successfully in March 5 of 2012 and one year exactly to the day she died of natural causes. She developed a type of Leukemia(myeloplastic cancer(preleukemia status) and died in her sleep. Now its almost been a year and now in process of learning how to date(bummer).
I still dabble around in electronics. I turned my career from CB to commercial radios and other radio shops, and in the midst of all this Managed to get my novice license in july of 1977 and with code in hand managed to get my Extra class in Dec, 1979 and have been active ever since. My wife is also licensed. We have had fun. Now my son has joined the ranks of Amateur radio.
We live in Northern California and enjoy the slower pace of life and retirement, I probably won't retire from electronics but not doing it for a living anymore.
My wifes call sign KA6ENG/K6JPK has been retired.
Be safe and best 73 de
Mark W6MRK
PS: my novice call sign in june of 1977 was WD6BIQ, when I passed my Extra Class in Dec 1979 FCC gave the latest call in sequence which was KJ6H, had that call sign til 1997 when the FCC opened up the Extra Class Vanity call signs opened, and found the my initials were available to I claimed W6MRK, which works very well. I still practice Morse Code and trying to do some digital modes, and do have an interest to WSPR and JT65 modes....once I get to a permanent location the tower goes back up with all the neat antennas that will go with it....just hope the bands will be cooperating... I also just recently in July 18, 2015 passed my Second Class Radiotelegraph license, which allows me to operate shipboard radio telegraph stations and Coastal Marine Radiotelegraph stations also. My education is also increasing too, maybe that coveted College degree may be in site, well its something to do while being retired.....thanks 73's de W6MRK