James R. Erbe
Fresno, CA
QCWA # 32858
Chapter 213
Live in Fresno, Ca. I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1956 and retired in 1976. "Visited" places such as Thailand, Bermuda, Japan, and Viet Nam. At Da Nang, I was in the 366th A&E, home of the Gunfighters. I worked 17 years for Digital Equipment Corporation; worked for Netswork in Fresno, maintaining bank teller line equipment, servers, printers.
Ham license was issued in 1960 while at George AFB, CA with the call of WA6NIF. I met my present wife, Nora, WA6BDE, at our 15th year high school reunion. We had both graduated from Tulare Union, Tulare, CA. in 1955. We were friends then but went our different ways. Later, we started communicating with each other and as things go, we got married.
I help maintain the WINSystem site at Meadow Lakes, CA, Frequencies are 146.79 and 444.25. One can find info on the WINSystem at www.winsystem.org. The IRLP node, 3847, is at my house, connected to reflector 9100, 24/7.
I have a UHF repeater at Meadow Lakes as well. When traveling up and down the San Joaquin Valley, give a call on 444.100, PL of 100.
I chase DX on 6 meter and 10 meter bands.
My Ten-Ten number is 75669. The Grid Square is DM06ct. Also have a SMIRK number of 6886.
I use a Kenwood TS-570D for SSB, PSK-31 and JT65. Use an Alinco DX-70TH for 6 meter. Antennae are 3 elements on 10, 3 elements on 6; a TH-3Jr beam for 10-15-20 mounted 10 feet above the roof. My HyGain AV-620 is used mainly for JT65 contacts. I also use 2, 220, 440, and 900 here at the house.
I have 2 beacons. One on 10 meter at the house. Frequency is 28.291.5MHz. Using a Uniden HR-2600 with an ID-O-Matic beaconer. Antenna is a ground plane up 25 feet. On only during daylight. The other beacon is on 6 meter at 50.072.5 for now. I use a Freakin' Beacon for beaconing. Antenna is either the AR-6 or the 50-3 beam. I use the Alinco DX- watts70TH for this when not chasing DX.
I put up a small solar system (60 watts) in August 2010 that now runs my ham station at times. Just added a 100 watt panel August 2014 so have 160 watts charging the batteries. Off the grid!
I'm always listening!
Jim, W6NIF, ex WA6NIF
February 6, 2015