W6ORS - February 13, 2016
Clair E. 'Corky' Kirk
Hilo, HI
QCWA # 28497
Chapter 194
Clair 'Corky' Kirk W6ORS SK. I'm saddened to report the passing of longtime QCWA supporter and friend Corky Kirk W6ORS.
A resident of Hilo Hawaii Corky passed away February 13th 2016 following a heart attack at age 91.
He was first licensed in 1951 and quite active on all the ham bands as well as Navy Mars.
Corky was instrumental in starting the Hawaii QCWA Chapter 194.
Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC
From the Big Island Amateur Radio Club Bulletin - July 2014:
"Old Rusty Submarine" is in port. "Corky" Kirk, W6ORS, focus of more than one island ham radio legend, was spotted at the June 14 meeting.
In late March, 2013, the Old Rusty Submarine was on a trip to Southern California. He drove up to see a pal above Fresno.
When his friend saw him,he said: .You look like you.ve had a stroke..
Next thing Corky knew, he was in the hospital for a week, followed by a week in a support facility. Then his daughter took him to a nursing home in Pasadena. After about 3 months, ORS had had about enough of that, so he .escaped. and headed back home to Hilo.
Corky, who also has a place in Volcano, has been a ham since 1951. He.ll be 90 in July. He picked the Old Rusty Submarine monicker because he served on submarines in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in World War II. His father served on submarines in WWI."
In addition to his many activities with BIARC, QCWA, etc., Corky was a fixture on the 40 m. Hawaii Afternoon Net. One of his many claims to fame was proposing, developing and defending "Corky's cleavage rating", whereby the VOG (volcanic smog that is usually these days gifted to those of us in the Aloha State by Pele, the goddess of our erupting Kilauea Volcano) is rated by rating the sharpness (cleavage) of the horizon on a scale of 1-10.
Corky died on Sunday, March 6, 2016, but I've been unable to find any official obituary or even a notice of death.
Aloha, Corky!
Tom Daniel, AH6KW
(With conflicting dates, I suspect the one from Chapter 194 is correct - Bob, NØUF)
