Mark S. Allen
Peoria, IL
QCWA # 29726
Chapter 2
I am active on most HF bands, CW, SSB and some data modes. Can be found near 18.115 USB when conditions are good. QTH is in rural central Illionis, near Tremont, aproximately 25 SSE of Peoria.
Antenna system is a series of dipoles oriented in cardinal directions. Normal power is 125 Watts.
Interested in DX and QRP contacts and general rag chewing with new and old friends. Generally available on weekends.
Started as an SWL in late 50's, listening to "border blasters" from home in rural Texas. First reciever was a WW-II surplus rig (National RAO-3), then a gift (from my Dad) of a Zenith Transoceanic receiver, then, summer jobs to save for the first "real radio" a Hammarlund HQ-129X.
Additionally I sponser & operate W6PC/R the 29.640 - 10 meter FM repeater. It is a split site system running 100 watts.
The W6PC/BCN operates on 28.252 CW, 5 watts. This beacon has been on 28.252 for more than 20 years and over 85 countries have reported reception. This beacon is located in central IL, near Dillion, IL.
I also operate from Belize as V31MS, please QSL for any contacts with my Belize station. It is located near San Pedro on Ambergris Caye.
I answer all QSL's, paper or electronic, 100%. w6pc@ma52.us
I support / participate / member of: the following organizations;
Member: 10-10 International - #44956, Member - QCWA, Life Member - ARRL, Sr. Member - IEEE
National Operations Director (AFN5O) - Headquarters staff - USAF MARS
Sr. Member - Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) - Certified Broadcast Technologist
Fellow - Radio Club of America (RCA) - 2016-17 Member of the Board of Directors
Member: ROHN Employees ARC - K9TWR
ARRL & W5YI Volunteer Examiner
73 de W6PC / 9

November 01, 2016