W6SPS 1944 - 2020
Patrick J. Blaylock
Sunny Vale, CA
QCWA # 20743
Chapter 11
First Call: WN0BWG in 1962 Other Call(s): WB0TOX NQ0N
Blaylock, Patrick was born on the 11th of December, 1944, in Minneapolis Minnesota. He passed away on May 2, 2020 peacefully at his home in Sun City West, AZ.
He was born to an army lieutenant John Blaylock, and his wife, Kathleen McDonnell Blaylock.
Patrick was an avid ham radio operator, going by the call sign, W6SPS.
He was selected to work at the South Pole in 1973 building the Geodesic Dome.
He then went on to have a successful career in construction project management for paper mills and power plants.
He loved playing the guitar, taking pictures of wildlife, and having brunch with his family on Sunday morning.
He is survived by his wife, Sharon, son Mike, Brother Terrance (Mary Sullivan Blaylock), Son-in-law Victor Giacalone and granddaughter, Shannon Giacalone.
Condolences: caminodelsol.com
Published on May 10, 2020
from qrz.com
I have been a ham since April of 1962. That is in thanks to WØJE Ray Johnson who spent so much time with me, a kid, who just could not get it. He never gave up on me.
I enjoy working HF, DX. AM & SSB. (CW well I try)
I have a Moseley 33 (oldie but goodie) mounted on a Rohn 20G at just 30 feet. I feed that with my IC 7200 and some times add in my 30 year old Alpha 76. I resently aquired a E. F. Johnson Viking Invader 2000. That was sold and repalced with a very nice Apache from Heathkit. I am currently on the air AM thanks to my B & W 1500
The frustration that you feel working CW with me, is my Parkinson's. Please Forgive I will be getting better? I have had to switch hands and I make so many sending mistakes. Nothing like having an extra class and sending like a nut.
My First ticket was dated 4/13/62 WNØBWG.
I was formerly NQØN and I am a Life Member of that ARRL and also Life member of the QCWA. My current call W6SPS celebrates my operating station KC4USZ in 1973/74 during the construction of the Dome located at the South Pole. (W6 South Pole Station) I am so pleased to be a member of the West Valley Amature Radio club located in Sun City West, AZ
I worked for several very large enginering firms, as site manager . Power Plants and Paper Mills and more.
Best wishes,
