W6YWH - April 8, 2011
George W. 'Wes' Johnson
Mariposa, CA
QCWA # 28837
Chapter 198
George Wesley Johnston of Mariposa, California, died on April 6. He resided in Mariposa since the late 70's and was 88 years old when he passed away. George was born in 1922, and quickly became interested in radio communications. He entered the Navy, which during his eight years of service, saw action and service during World War II and the Korean War. He was stationed onboard the USS Missouri, and various cruise ships when once he met Dwight Eisenhower during a visit. He served primary as a radio communications expert on the ships,a plus service at the towers located in Guam.
Johnston retired with numerous medals and full military honors. He married Geneva Gibbs and went on to a very successful career with the telephone company. He had three sons, Steven Johnston of Williamsburg, IA, Victor Johnston of Modesto, and Bruce Johnston of Mariposa.
George pursed amateur ham radio as a hobby which over the span of his life, managed to contact and receive a postcard from every country in the world where he contacted as a ham. North Korea was the hardest, but finally he did make contact and receive a card before his passing.
HE loved to go fishing, camping, and really enjoyed the outdoors as well as dozens of trips over the years to his old homestead to visit family members in Mount Ayr, Iowa. George fell ill in 2002 and had major heart surgery, but he recovered very well from that and went on to enjoy another eight years of a wonderful life doing the things he enjoyed. He leaves behind two surviving brothers and a sister, Neil Johnston, Alan Johnston and Rose James, all from Iowa.
Wes Johnston, W6YWH, passed away on April 8, 2011 after a short illness. He was 88. He lived at Mariposa CA. He worked for the telephone company. He had DXCC #1 Honor Roll. He was a member of Mid Sierra Chapter 198.
Charles W6DPD
S/T QCWA Fresno Chapter 213