W6ZM - August 17, 1996
Director 1991 - 1994
William J. 'Bill' Stevens
San Jose, CA
QCWA # 2129
Chapter 7
First Call: W6LCF since 1934
BILL STEVENS. W6ZM, was first licensed in June, 1934, Extra Class, State of California. Life Member of ARRL and OCWA (2129), MA Degree. Stanford University, retired from Public High School as Electronics Instructor; served as ARAL Director of Pacific Division for four consecutive two-year terms and a two-year term as ARRL Vice President.
I was a founding merrber of QCWA Northern Calfornia Chapter No. 11; Top DXCC Honor Roll; Life Member Northern California DX Club; Member 10-10 lntemational Net, #10715. Amateur Radio has been an integral part of my life since my father introduced me to the service by taking me to a meeting of the Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association. I have served this club by reorganizaing it after World War II and since have served over the years as its President three times.
On a world trip; I held the following licenses: W6ZM/LA W6ZM/DL 3AOFO PA9LF ON8VO G5AOT and guest operator at VU2KV. 9N2MM and VS2SS. On another trip I was ZMOZZM, "down under". Presently my station activity is between 80 and 3/4 meters.
I am now ready to accept the challenge of serving as your Director of QCWA for the ensuing term during which I will work hard to strengthen the QCWA in our own fifty states as well as foreigncountries.