Robert M. Rosie
Hayden, ID
QCWA # 27192
I was first licensed as a Novice in 1959 with the call of WV6GSV. I upgraded to General in 1960 and my call was changed to WA6GSV. I was a member and past President of The Ramona Radio Club of San Gabriel, California, K6SIR. In September 2002 after 58 years in Southern California I relocated to Hayden, Idaho. I received the vanity call W7GSV in April 2003.
Military Service: United States Air Force, SSgt, Munitions Maintenance (AFSC 46150). Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam 1966 - 1967, Utapo, Thailand 1968 & Edwards Flight Test Center.
Current DXCC status: As of 12 November 2014, 293 worked, 292 confirmed. Waiting LoTW or paper confirmation from SØ1WS (Western Sahara).
Organizations: ARRL, ARRL & W5YI VE, Idaho DX Association, Spokane DX Association, International DX Association, QCWA #27192, OOTC #4463, FISTS #9159, SKCC #6344, 070 #560, ARES/RACES, RCC, active in the 10-10 International Net with the 10-10 number of 7673 and a VP of 3189.
Awards: W.A.S. #12,411 & #52,608, W.A.C. 1969, DXCC Mixed #16,071, DXCC CW #12,377, DXCC Phone #40,366, DXCC Digital #3,916 & IOTA 100 (All Modes) #3417.
The station: Currently consists of a FT-2000D, TS-850SAT and SB-220. The antennas are a Cushcraft R7 vertical and an Alpha Delta DX-LB Plus Dipole. The mobile station is a FTM-350AR mounted in a 2007 GMC Sierra pickup using the APRS call sign W7GSV-9.
November 13, 2014