W7HF - July 11, 2000
George D. 'Dewey' Wilson
Aberdeen, WA
QCWA # 478
Chapter 4

Dewey; age 102
from World Radio 1999
First Call: 7GW
George Dewey Wilson, better known to his friends and family as Dewey, was born in Aberdeen Washington on November 1st 1897.
His family owned and operated the Wilson Brothers Lumber Company in East Aberdeen. Dewey graduated from Wetherwax High School in Aberdeen in 1914 and went on to graduate from the University of Washington's School of Forestry in 1922.
Dewey was the bookkeeper for the family business.
On September 15th 1999 Dewey (W7HF) was given the "Spirit of Amateur Radio Award" 85 Year Certificate No. 1 by the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA).
Dewey's interest in Amateur Radio stems back to 1909 when a cousin returning from the Navy told him about how Navy ships talked to each other with out wires. His interest rose even more when the Navy installed a relay station on a hill above his house (Think Of Me Hill). He could hear the spark while the station was operating.
In the 7th grade Dewey was required to take a course in shop work. He saw that the advanced students were winding coils with green wire and that's all it took to lead him into Amateur Radio.
Before long he was keeping in touch with family owned lumber schooners.
When Dewey entered high school around 1912 he was communicating with local hams using AC doorbells with the bells removed. The antenna was attached to one side of the bell and ground to the other side.
Dewey wrote for a license in 1912, the first year licenses were required by the government. Dewey received 7GW (his initials) which he held until he was issued W7HF when he graduated from high school in 1916.
Dewey is listed in tne first call book issued by the US Government in 1912.
Dewey was a member of QCWA since 1952 and Historian for the QCWA Northwest Chapter 4 in Seattle for over 20 years.
Dewey became a silent key on July 11th 2000. When Dewey died he was the longest continually licensed amateur in the United States if not the world. He was licensed for over 88 years and active until about 4 months before his death.
Dewey could not have been licensed any longer because he got his amateur license as soon as they were required and made available by the government.
Dewey was fascinating to talk to and his stories about early amateur radio were fun to listen to.
When Dewey became a silent key in July of 2000 I felt it was important to keep his call sign, W7HF, in Grays Harbor. I contacted the FCC and asked them if I could have W7HF assigned to the Grays Harbor Amateur Radio Club. They said I could, however the club could not have 2 call signs so we would have to give up the present call, W7ZA. I didn't feel that was the right thing to do. At that time I started the Grays Harbor Amateur Radio DX Club. The FCC issued KD7LXE to the club. I then applied for W7HF to be assigned to the DX club. In March of 2001 the FCC issued me the call as a vanity call and assigned it to the DX club.