W7IB 1945 - 2020
William J. 'Casey' Mc Partland
Eagle, ID
QCWA # 36478
Chapter 201
First Call: WB1DYZ in 1977 Other Call(s): KA1BZ, KD6QT, NS6K & K6WJM
Past ARRL SV Section Manager Casey McPartland, W7IB, Silent Key
Casey McPartland, W7IB, passed away on August 31, 2020 from complications of multiple myeloma. McPartland was ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Manager from 2006 until his resignation in 2007 due to a temporary move out of the section.
Casey discovered ham radio back in the late 50's while tinkering around in a neighbor's garage. The neighbor was a US Navy Commander stationed at Moffett Field in Mountain View, and many hours were spent in his shack during that memorable solar cycle. Twenty years later in 1978 Casey became licensed as WB1DYZ while living with his family in Hebron, Connecticut. Thirty years and many call signs later (including KA1BZ, NS6K and K6WJM) he was appointed Assistant Section Manager for the Sacramento Valley Section by then Section Manager Jettie Hill, W6RFF, whom he succeeded as Section Manager in December 2006. Casey brought many years of leadership and management background from his work in the Information Technology and Management Consulting fields.
Casey operated "about 90% CW" and enjoyed Field Day, DXing, ragchewing and serving as net control. He and his wife Leslie, K7NYE, frequently volunteered communication support for the Tevis Cup Trail Ride, the MS walk and numerous bicycle events.
Casey was an ARRL Life Member, held an Extra Class License since early 1983, an OES appointment having completed all three Emergency Communication Courses, and was a long time member of FISTS (#9758), the Quarter Century Wireless Association, the Mother Lode DX Contest Club and the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club where he had served as instructor, Volunteer Examiner, secretary, director, vice president and president.
PLEASE NOTE: If you work W7IB in a SSB contest, chances are good that you've been bootlegged!...I work about 90% CW. I will qsl 100% for contacts made by me, but this call has been "borrowed" by others for at least 20 years since its original owner passed on. Sorry if you've fallen victim to the basic laziness of the bootlegger(s) .. W7IB
Thanks for checking on me & c u in the ether!
72/73, Casey/.-- --... .. -... FISTS #9758