James R. 'Jim' Garrity Sr
Oro Valley, AZ
QCWA # 36533
Chapter 16
The handle is Jim and Welcome to my Shack (AKA "The Man Cave"). I was first licensed in Massachusetts, Jan of 1969 at the age of 16. My hobbies as a teenager were Amateur Radio, building electronic kits, and troubleshooting radio and TV problems for family and friends. I attended a technical volcational high school and after graduation worked as an electrician's apprentice.
My Passion for electronics lead to my military training at Southeastern Signal School, Ft Gordon GA and then to the 109th Signal Battalion. After college, I started my career as a Computer Technician employed by several Fortune 500 companies, was promoted to Operations Manager and finally Chief Information Officer.
I love vintage rigs --- The nostalgia of a bygone tube radio era, combined with the thrill of repairing and modifying these hybrid radios yourself, symbolize the best generation of amateur radios ever produced. I also enjoy working with vintage test equipment, VTVMs, Signal Tracersand Magic Eye Capacitor Testers still have a place on the modern work bench of today.
My rigs are a Kenwood TS 830s and TS-520s with a MC-60 Microphone. My antenna is a G5RV-Jr. Dipole elevated 20'(HOA Restrictions), in an Inverted Vee Configuration.
I use LOTW and eSQL to respond to QSLs and would appreciate confirmation of QSOs upon receipt as I am working my ARRL Awards.
73's & Thanks for Looking ;-)
November 17, 2014