John S. 'Steve' Cochrane
Cheyenne, WY
QCWA # 32988
Chapter 140
I go by my middle name Steve (actually Steven) unfortunately the government hasn't figured out how to write software that allows the option of using ones middle name when applying for a license or anything else for that matter.
I've been a ham for over 35 years and I have had an Extra Class License 1987. My former call signs are KA7AWS and WA7H. I'm a member of ARES (past Wyoming Section Manager and Section Emergency Coordinator). I am also a member of Wyoming and Laramie County RACES (past State and Laramie County RACES Officer) and currently the Wyoming Air Force MARS Director, AFA8SI/AFF8WY, and AF MARS Northwest Area Emergency Communications Coordinator AFE8EC. I'm also a member of the National Communication System (NCS) Shared HF Resources (SHARES) Program. I'm a life member of the ARRL and QCWA, a long time member of AMSAT, I'm also a member of the , Shy-Wy Radio Club and the Collins Collectors Association.
I retired from the US Air Force in 1990 after 25 years on active duty and retired from DHS/FEMA (Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency) Region 8 in Denver Colorado in 2009.
I operate mostly on HF, 75 meter, 40 meter, 20 meter and the higher ham bands when propagation permits, I also have satellite, many digital modes and APRS capability. Now that I'm retired I'll be operating mobile from my motor home as I travel around the country to and from as many hamfests as I can attend.
February 17, 2015