W7JWJ - October 19, 2013
Director 1996 - 2000
Harry W. Lewis
Seattle, WA
QCWA # 5305
Chapter 4
Harry West Lewis, formerly of Seattle, passed away October 19th, 2013 in Olympia. Harry was born in Oliver, B.C. and grew up in Coeur d'Alene, ID. A WWII Veteran of the US Army Air Corps, he served as a Radio Navigator. He married Mary E. Smith on October 27, 1946.
An active amateur radio operator (Ham) since 1941 he is probably best known as W7JWJ. Harry is survived by his daughter Diana Purvine, K7ETY; son Gary L. Lewis, WA7BBJ; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
An American Radio Relay League Life Member, Harry served as ARRL Section Manager for W.WA from 1991 until 2003. He also served in numerous other ARRL and Ham Club positions.
A memorial service will take place Saturday, November 23rd at 10:00am in the Seattle area at St Dunstan's Church, 722 N 145th St, Shoreline, WA.
Published in The Seattle Times on Nov. 17, 2013
From: "ARRL Web site"
Date: October 22, 2013, 3:39:47 PM EDT
Subject: ARLX012 Former Western Washington SM Harry Lewis, W7JWJ (SK)
ARLX012 Former Western Washington SM Harry Lewis, W7JWJ (SK)
Special Bulletin 12 ARLX012
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT October 22, 2013
To all radio amateurs
ARLX012 Former Western Washington SM Harry Lewis, W7JWJ (SK)
Former ARRL Western Washington Section Manager Harry Lewis, W7JWJ, of Seattle, died October 19. He was 90. Lewis served as WWA Section Manager from 1991 until 2003.
"Harry was very active in ARRL for many years and held many positions in the organization," said current Western Washington SM Monte Simpson, K2MLS.
His late wife, former Northwestern Division Director and Western Washington SM Mary Lewis, W7QGP, died last March. Survivors include a daughter Diana, K7ETY, and a son Gary, WA7BBJ.
In addition to Section Manager, Lewis served as an ARRL Technical Coordinator, Official Emergency Station, Official Bulletin Station, and ARRL Registered Instructor who mentored hundreds of prospective and new hams. In 2005 Lewis and Connecticut Section Manager Betsey Doane, K1EIC, were honored as the co-recipients of the ARRL Certification and Continuing Education Mentor/Instructor of the Year Award.
Born in British Columbia, Canada, and first licensed in 1941, Lewis was a Life Member of ARRL and QCWA. He was a broadcast engineer and, earlier, a Morse telegrapher. Lewis was a crack high-speed CW operator who could copy code in excess of 75 WPM. Services will be announced.
First licensed in 1941 in Washington state. Life memebr of ARRL and QCWA. In 1993 servered as Chairman of Chapter 4 and elected to a seond term in 1996. Currently serving as ARRL Section Manager Western Washington. His XYL is Mary, W7QGP, past ARRL Director and currently Sec/Tres QCWA Chapter 4.
Harry's engineering career was in radio and TV broadcasting plus 6 years as an electroninc vocational instructor. He taught Amateur radio classes evenings for 48 years with over 4000 graduates. He won 36 Morse Code contests, four in excess of 75 WPM.
From the April 2001 Edition of the K7LED Relay, Mike and Key ARC
Introducing the Club's Radio Officer
Submitted by Radio Officer Harry Lewis, W7JWJ
I was born in British Columbia and raised in Northern Idaho. While a Junior in High School, I saw a copy of the American Morse code in a physics book. Since I thought it would be great for sending secret messages in study hall, I memorized it and built a homemade sounder and key.
I had a part-time school job running a projector for movies during school assemblies. One day, three of us were assigned the task so my buddy suggested we split and visit his ham station at his home across the street as only one projectionist was needed. We climbed through a hatch in the school roof, slid three stories down a drain pipe and made a 160 meter contact during which the rig caught fire. Something about using number 24 wire for filament leads. The knock on the door was the school principal telling us that we were coming in on the school sound system. I was hooked.
The following summer I was training for a State swimming meet, contracted polio, and was paralyzed from the neck down for the next two months. Finally, as motion returned to my arms, I would drag myself around our farm house like a walrus out of water. One day I managed to pull myself up onto a chair and there on the table was my home-brew sounder. The moment of truth had arrived. I realized that, even confined to a wheelchair, I could be a Morse Telegrapher and so I practiced until I could easily copy 55 to 60 wpm. The paralysis gradually left, at least from the neck down, and my first job was as a Morse Telegrapher in San Francisco. That was 60 years ago.
Time flies when you're havin' fun. 73