W7LG - November 5, 2016
Gilman C. Welcker
Port Angeles, WA
QCWA # 7910
Chapter 4
Gilman Costello Welcker (1918 - 2016)
Gilman Welcker passed away peacefully at home in the presence of God on November 5, 2016, in Port Angeles.
Dad was born November 21, 1918, in Seattle, Washington. He was reared in Enumclaw, Tacoma, and Puyallup, Washington, where he met his wife, Bliss. They were married June 21, 1941, in Seward, Alaska.
He was working with the Alaska Communications System, which became part of the U.S. Army Signal Corps. After attending Signal Corps Officer Candidate School at Fort Mammoth, New Jersey, he trained as a radar technical officer and was stationed in Panama during World War II.
After the war, Dad was employed by Pacific Northwest Bell, coming to Port Angeles in 1955. He was a life member of the Port Angeles Elks, Clallam County Amateur Radio Club, American Radio Relay League, Society of Wireless Pioneers and Telephone Pioneers of America.
After celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary in June, his wife, Bliss, passed in August.
Survivors include son Douglas of Port Angeles; daughter Marilyn of Arlington, Washington; son Bruce of Port Angeles; and son Kent of Snohomish.
An eternal "thank you, Dad" for always being my dad, encouraging my interests; spending time with me when I was a youngster, like taking me fishing to Sandy Shores and Beaver Lake; teaching me how to build a boat or a radio, or drive a car; sticking up for me to oppose injustice; demonstrating steadfast perseverance and patience. Long, peaceful walks will be etched in my memory.
The family wants to especially thank Olympic Medical Home Health, Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County and the four caregivers for providing a comfortable, caring and loving environment for father.
Published in The Peninsula Daily News on Feb. 19, 2017