Patrick E. 'Pat' Robertson
Alolha, OR
QCWA # 32372
Hi, my name is Pat and I live in Aloha, Oregon which is on the west side of the Portland Metropolitan Area.
I have been a ham since June of 1985, my Novice callsign was KA7VTQ, my Technician and General callsign was N7KMN, and my advanced callsign was KG7HT. Since then, I have had a few "vanity" callsigns and I am currently W7PAT. I hold an Amateur Extra Class license.
I enjoy many facets of the hobby, but I have been primarily involved in club, emergency service, and public service events.
I am the (AEC/ARO) Membership Coordinator for Washington County ARES/RACES, Station Manager for the Washington County EOC, Trustee for WC7EOC, an ARRL Official Observer (OO), and an ARRL Volunteer Examiner.
In addition to being a member of Washington County ARES/RACES, I am a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club (OTVARC), TEchnology Radio Amateur Club (TERAC), Clark County Amateur Radio Club in Vancouver, WA, Beaverton CERT Radio Team, Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG), Western Oregon Radio Club (WORC), Peak Radio Association (W7PRA), N7PIR Repeater Group, and life member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA).
My 10-10 number is 43715, my FISTS number is 6165, and my OMISS number is 7650.
On May 24, 2008, Jennifer (Jenny), KA7JNY and I were married in a ceremony by Everett Curry, W6ABM (A Baptist Minister). Together Jenny and I enjoy Amateur Radio, traveling, and spending time with our family.
November 2, 2016