W7PV 1914 - 2005
Richard E. 'Dick' Aspinwall
Seattle, WA
QCWA # 2182
Chapter 4
First Call: W7EWW in 1933
Born December 1, 1914, Dick is survived by his wife Elizabeth, daughters Susan and Judith. Dick was the founder of Amateur Radio Supply in Georgetown and operated the facility from 1956 until 1989. Dick was a victim of Alzheimer's and spent his last few years in the Ida Culver House on Broadview.
Dick was raised and attended school in Spokane, then graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from Washington State University. He was a member of several national honor societies for Mathematics and Engineering. After college Dick spent seven years serving with the Westinghouse Radio Division in Baltimore.
After WWII Dick returned to Seattle where he founded the Radio Supply House. Included in his mailing to Amateurs of the Northwest were club meeting notices and hamfest happenings including the Sea Pac convention in Seaside, Oregon. In 1977 he mailed information to start the Northwest Computer Society. He was a welcome guest speaker at many area radio club meetings. Amateur radio classes were held in his facility and he supported club raffles with donations.
Old timers will remember the DX table in his store where tall tales were told and told again. Dick will be missed.
73 and rest in peace.
Harry and Mary Lewis
The Seattle Times - 01/28/2005 Richard E. "Dick" ASPINWALL W7PV Born December 1, 1914 in Seattle, WA.; died January 21, 2005.
Dick is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Laubscher, and daughters, Judith and Susan. He was raised and attended school in Spokane, and graduated from William Winlock Miller High School in Olympia in 1933. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at Washington State College, and was a member of Pi Mu Epsilon and Sigma Tau, the national honorary societies for Mathematics and Engineering.
Dick completed the Westinghouse training course in Pittsburgh, and spent seven years with Westinghouse radio division in Baltimore, returning to Seattle after WWII.
He was a life member of the Seattle Genealogical Society, the American Radio Relay League and the Quarter Century Wireless Association.
Dick was the founder and owner of Amateur Radio Supply Company from 1956 to 1989.
The family wishes to thank the caring staff of the nursing care center at Ida Culver House, Broadview. No service is planned. Remembrances may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or your favorite charity.
Published in print from 1/28/2005 - 1/30/2005.
Silent Key: Dick Aspinwall, W7PV
This picture was taken at a dinner of QCWA Chapter 4 in 1989.
Second from the left is Curley Johnsn, W7PN one of the founders of Chapter 4, now a Silent Key.
Third from the left is Elizabeth xyl of W7PV. On the far right my xyl Mary, W7QGP
73, Harry, W7JWJ