Mary E. Lewis
Olympia, WA
QCWA # 11025
Gary Lewis wrote, On 3/23/2013 11:54 AM:
As a member of QCWA myself I am sorry to be sending you this QST about my mothers passing.
QST QST QST to all Amateur Radio Operators.
It is with great sorrow that I must announce at this time, the passing of MARY LEWIS, W7QGP on March 12th 2013.
Mary's love of life and Ham Radio lead her to serve the Ham Radio community over the years as an:
ARRL assistant Section Manager, and as a ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for Western Washington.
Past ARRL Director Northwestern Division, Section Communications Manager for Washington and Section Manager for Western Washington.
Mary was also a Life member of the American Radio Relay League and the Quarter Century Wireless Association. She was also a member of Quarter Century Wireless Woman and Young Ladies Radio League.
Retired from Broadcasting and a member of "The Society of Broadcast Engineers". Mary was a member of the Western Washington DX Club, North Seattle Amateur Club, Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club and the Mount Baker Amateur Radio Club.
Mary and her husband Harry were part of the Original Founding Members that helped create the Western Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. A traffic handling system still in use today by many Amateur Radio Operators.
Mary is survived by her husband Harry W7JWJ, her daughter Diana K7ETY, and her son Gary WA7BBJ. As well as, 4 Grandchildren, and 3 Great Grandchildren.
Mary will be missed by the Ham Radio Community, her family and friends. Memorial services for Mary will be announced later when the details are finalized.
The family is requesting that you do not send flowers. Cards can be sent to: Harry W. Lewis PO Box 5204 Lacy WA 98509-5204.
Any cash donations received will go toward the purchase of an ARRL Diamond Terrace Memorial Brick to remember Mary Lewis W7QGP as a Silent Key.
(To be sent in Morse Code if possible)
..._ ..._ _ . ... _ .. ._ _ .. ._.. ._.. _ _ .. ... ...
v v test I will miss
_. _ _ _ _ _ .._ ._ . _.. ._..
you all
_.. . ._ _ _ _... _ _._ _ _. ._ _. ... _._
End of QST
OLYMPIA -- Mary Elizabeth Lewis, 85, of Olympia, died March 12 at Garden Courte Care Community in Olympia.
She was born in Kennewick and moved to Bellingham in 1954.
She was a retired electronic engineer.
Life Tributes Cremation Center, Kennewick, is in charge of arrangements.
