Chief Master Sgt. Oliver was born Jan. 14, 1937, in Oakland, Calif., the son of Marshall and Minnie (Vecellio) Oliver. He died Tuesday, June 9, 2009. He was raised and educated in Oakland, graduating from Castlemont High School in 1955. Chief Master Sgt. Oliver entered the U.S. Army after high school, then the U.S. Air Force, in which he had a tour in Vietnam and proudly served his country for more than 22 years. He was united in marriage to Carol Lee Watt in 1957 in Oakland, Calif. After retiring in 1977, he worked in Clearlake, Calif., as a school bus mechanic and a counterman for NAPA. He and Carol moved from Clearlake to Myrtle Point in 2003. In 1953, Ronald became licensed in ham radio. He was a lifetime member of the American Radio Relay League. His call sign was W7VU and Ex K6AYD. He founded the Southern Oregon Coast Chapter No. 220 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. He also was involved in founding of the Lake County A's, a club for Ford Model A enthusiasts and was a member of the VFW. Ronald is survived by his wife, Carol of Myrtle Point; two sons, Ken and Scott, both of Texas; and a daughter, Debra of Florida. He leaves a sister, Marti; and father-in-law, William of California; nine grandchildren; four step-grandchildren and two great-granddaughters. from Licensed while in high school in 1953 as KN6AYD, I have always been interested in electronics. During a three-year stint in the United States Army I worked in the Microwave Radio Repair field. For the next twenty years I served as a Jet Engine Maintenance Superintendent in the United States Air Force, retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant. My duty assignments included Formosa (now Taiwan), Ft. Monroe, VA, Langley AFB, VA, George AFB, CA, McConnell AFB, KS, Korat and Takhli Royal Thai Air Bases in Thailand, Hickam AFB, HI, Holloman AFB, NM, Hill AFB, UT, Malmstrom AFB, MT, Elmendorf AFB, AK and Travis AFB, CA. Aircraft I worked on included the F-102, F-105, F-106, EB-57, C-141 and C-5. During my travels with the military, I held the callsigns K6AYD, KL7IET, KH6GEA, WAØLCN, WB6JGL and W4PZZ. I enjoy collectiog callbooks and old transmitting tubes, building antennas, and being an ARRL Volunteer Examiner. My wife of 51 years, is Carol, N6UZQ. I am a Life Member of the ARRL and a founding member of Southern Oregon Chapter 220 of QCWA. Visit the QCWA Chapter 220 web site at |