W8CAM 1898 - 1990

from the National SK Archive
Edwin J. 'Ed' Trombley
Newberry, MI
Saginaw, MI
QCWA # 1395
Chapter(s) 10 & 135
First Call: 8CAM in 1922
Original license holder of W8CAM; Boat builder; Petitioner and Founding Father of QCWA Michigan Chapter 10
XYL is Paula Trombley (1896-1985)
Buried in St. Andrews Cemetery, Saginaw, MI
Ed was co-owner / operator of Toonerville Trolley tourist atraction at Newberry, MI with Richard,
He was a charter member instrumental in starting Quarter Century Wireless Association, Michigan Chapter 10.
He is remembered for his devotion to providing winter 'on the air' 160 meter code practice.

QSL from the National SK Archive

QSL provided By Pete NL7XM