Michael D. Kalter
Xenia, OH
QCWA # 37347
Chapter 9
The 2017 Hamvention has a new home in Xenia, Ohio!
I reside about 25 miles south east of Dayton, Ohio south of the city of Xenia, Ohio in the beautiful southern Ohio rolling countryside. I have been very actively involved with the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA-Hamvention) for many years serving as the President and as the Hamvention General Chairman for 2011 and 2012.
I am currently the Treasurer/board member of DARA and Finance chair for Hamvention.
Official spokesperson for Hamvention 2017.
Co Chair for the Hamvention Awards Committee.
Former Peace Corps Volunteer..Tunisia 1974 1975.
I have also served as president of our local EMA board (Emergency Management Authority). I successfully sold my manufacturing business just before the market crashed (dumb luck) and am enjoying some leisure time and have been working in many different companies to improve their profitability as well as serving on many company boards.
Net control operator at the Wilmington, Ohio National Weather Service covering half of Ohio, Eastern Indiana and Northern Kentucky.
I am past chairman of the DRMA (Dayton Regional Manufacturing Association).
I enjoy HF as well as building and experimenting with antennas. Other hobbies include backpacking, bicycling, motorcycling, world traveling, and music. I currently play music with an eclectic acoustic music group known as The Wingwalkers www.thewingwalkersband.com . We play festivals and other engagements in the midwest. If you are at the Hamvention 2017 please say hello. This is an all volunteer event with most of the proceeds going back to the amateur radio community!
I was invited to be a keynote speaker at HAM Radio 2012 in Germany and was extremely impressed with the event. Plan to attend in 2017 to visit many friends in Friedrichschafen.
Was in Doha, Qatar in December of 2013 and 2012 and participated on their special event event station A71QND. Also, was a keynote speaker at a special presentation of Amateur Radio in Doha and a speaker at Qatar University. They are very dedicated to amateur radio and I expect we will continue to see their involvement and contribution grow.
I was also invited and attend the National Institute of Amateur Radio general meeting in Hyderabad, India.While there I met with many government officials in both Hyderabad and New Delhi at the request of amateurs in India. My friends in India have done an amazing job promoting amateur radio despite so many obstacles. They always send a large contingent to Hamvention.
Had to opportunity to speak at the magnificent ARRL Hartford Convention about the many things DARA is doing to promote youth in amateur radio.
I was a forum speaker at HAMCATION 2015. Will be a speaker at Hamcation 2017.
Attended the Amateur Radio Event in Tokyo August 2016. Returning in 2017.
Sadly, I have recently lost my younger brother, Dave KB8OCP, an amazing human and amateur radio operator. Even though he came into the hobby much later than I he taught me a great deal! I miss you my brother!
w8ci@arrl.net www.michaelkalter.com
February 17, 2017