Director 2020 - Present
David M. 'Dave' Clark
4605 Taylor Ridge Circle
Kalamazoo, MI 49009-7038
QCWA # 17477
Chapter 10
First Call: K8MPF issued in 1958
Active amateur radio interests include DXCC, CW rag chewing and Pactor. Additional hobbies are sailing, tennis, photography and kayaking. Recently retired from Western Michigan University, College of Education. Equipment includes Icom IC-7700, ICOM IC-706MKIIG, ICOM IC-PW1 solid state linear amplifier, Hy-Gain TH-11, Carolina Windom 160.
Sailboat Calypso set up with an Icom 706MII, LDG tuner and Hamstick
Life member QCWA
ARRL Diamond Club Member
ARRL Volunteer DXCC Field Checker
ARRL Education and Technology project with Winchell Elementary School (ten years)
Past Chair Kalamazoo County Mental Health Board
Past Chair Michigan Association for Rehabilitation Facilities
DXCC Number One Honor Roll
United States LawnTennis Association Communications Chair for the Boy's National Tennis Tournament
Kalamazoo Tennis Junior Development Program
College of Education Intern Coordinater - Western Michigan University (retired)
John F. Kennedy Center - Teacher Consultant (retired)
Michigan State University Radio Club - W8SH

April 19, 2020