W8DP 1898 - 1986
Walter A. Seaman
Findley, OH
QCWA # 1025
OOTC # 232
Walter A. Seaman, W8DP, Ex-9DZ, 8AOE, 8CAZ. Handle "Wally". Born November 18, 1898. First 2-way wireless contact 1912. Occup: Payroll Accountant with Ohio Oil Co. (40 yrs.). First license crystal detector with M.B. West of Lima and Chandlers of St. Mary's O. Moved to Findlay 1920 and became 8AOE and since had 8CAZ and W8DP. Had QS0 with 0E5SK in 1956 3812 KC, 120 watts Lone. Now using SX-100, 75A4, RCH Navy receivers, XMTR 32V3 with 4-1000 final. Hobbies: coins, boating, Hi-Fi. Operates Radio Repair Shop for a "sideline". Member of Findlay Radio Club, and DBNET.