Kathleen J. Callanan
North Fort Myers, FL
QCWA # 17370
Chapter 120
First licensed as WN8ODC in 1953 and quickly upgraded to general class, being awarded W8ODC.
Following college graduation and moving east for employment in 1963, W1ADY was issued while living in Brockton, Massachusetts.
A short span of three years was spent in Honolulu, where secondary call, KH6GRB, was used, while primary call became W8KKM.
The next 8 years, the operation was from club station JH1ZYT, out of Tokyo, Japan.
Since 1979, only W8KKM has been in use.
Experiences in AM, SSB, CW, RTTY, and Packet form the kernel of operation experience in the first 20 years.
February 10, 2017