Edward J. Martin
Virginia Beach, VA
QCWA # 34488
Chapter 119
Originally licensed in 1952 as novice WN8NLZ in Cleveland, OH., got back into amateur radio a few years ago. It's a great retirement activity. Lots of both operational and technical feats to master. For example, I've been trying to relearn CW. Find I don't pick up new things as fast as I did back in '52.
As you can see from the photo, I like to operate from the field. My current "portable rig" is a Kenwood TS-850S. I either use a 13' Buddipole vertical (with radials) or a resonant dipole - if I can find a couple of trees in the right spot. I typically use a single 50AH gelcell with an N8XJK battery booster for power. 20M and 40M bands work out best for portable ops.
The home shack is based around a Yaesu FT-1000MP and Kenwood TL-922A linear amp. But I find the real difference comes from using the right antenna for the task. I have two +100 ft doublets crossing at right angles. Fed with 450 ohm ladder line from a Palstar AT1500BAL tuner. I designed and built a remote switch to allow selecting between the two. Also have a Tribander beam atop a 55' tower. A 43' base-loaded multiband vertical. And a K9AY receiving antenna. I would put up more, but the XYL is already complaining, Hi Hi.
My real enjoyment comes in having QSOs with other hams around the country and parts of the world. Hope to see you again on HF.

August 5, 2012