W8QHM - March 2, 2009
Director 1985
Clyde C. Rothstein
Chagrin Falls, OH
QCWA # 3146
Chapter 1
Clyde Rothstein, W8QHM, Secretary/Treasurer Cleveland Chapter 1, resides in Chagrin Falls, OH, 30 miles southeast of Cleveland. Clyde's home is in the Snowbelt & maple syrup area of northeast Ohio and is considered a part of the Chagrin River Valley area. He has resided on a 3-acre tract for 30 years.
Born in Cleveland, 66 years ago, Clyde attended all required schools plus a technical school on electricity and electronics. As a licensed electrician he supported and educated his children, purchased his home and is now retired.
During WW-II, Clyde served four years in six theaters of operation as an airborne infantryman and engineer. He was honorably dischared December 25, 1945. Married 42 years, has two sons and one daughter. One son is a Doctor of Physics and Astronomy.
As an Amateur Radio Operator, member of QCWA #3146, since May, 1962, Clyde has been licensed continuously and held the call W8QHM since 1936. He has been active on all bands, CW and phone. He has been president and delegate representing numerous local Cleveland area radio clubs for many years .
Clyde is quoted as saying "I feel that I can best serve QCWA by representing the Amateur's in numerous ways. One of the ways being preservation of existing frequencies and upholding the regulations vital to the benefit of the Amateur Radio Service. Specifically, I believe the FCC should be the only authority on all Amateur Radio Service antenna supporting structures."