Thomas R. 'Tom' Power
Loganville, GA
QCWA # 34319
Chapter 49
I grew up in CT and NJ and I was first licensed in 1982 as KA2TLW. I got started in Ham Radio when I saw an ad at the time at the local high school in New Jersey for a ham radio class and a club that was forming: The West Morrris Wireless Society, WMWS. Original elmers were WB2YOK, KS2M and KD2EU {now K1EU}.(Thanks Guys!)
Previous calls: KA2TLW, KB4JCI, KB8ZTG and was in Army Mars callsign AAR4PH for a number of years in the late 80's-mid-90's.
I travel a ton for work and I do not have much time to be active in Clubs, but I am a member of the ARRL, 10-10 (#38820), 6 Club (#1958), AMSAT (#36038), QCWA (#34319), Skywarn (NOAA Certified Spotter), SE DX Association, Ga SSB Association, and the SERA (Southeastern Repeater Association).
Redoing the Station (Labor Day weekend 2013) but here is what will be left after selling the odds and ends:
(Basically Kenwood for HF/6 and Motorola for 6/2/440)
Current Base Rigs: Kenwood TS-480hx, Kenwood TS-590s, Motorola XPR5500 (2 Meter), Motorola XPR5500 (440mhz). Motorola CDM1550LS+ (6 Meter FM)
Current VHF/UHF Base Antennas: Hustler G6-144 Feeding the XPR5500 (2 meter), Hustler G6-440 Feeding the XPR5500 (440mhz), Comet GP-15 Feeding the CDM1550 (6 meter),.
Current HF Base Antennas: Alpha Delta DX-LB+ and Carolina Windham 160 Feeding the 480hx plus High Power Antenna Company OCF 160 Dipole and Radiowavz DX160 OCF Proline Windom Feeding the 590s.
Current Mobile Rigs: Motorola XPR5500 (2 Meter), Motorola XPR5500 (440mhz)
Current Repeater: Motorola XPR8400 DMR MotoTrbo 440 MHz Repeater with a 455-5n 12.1dbi Omni Antenna. DMR Repeater connected to the K4USD DMR Network. (www.k4usd.org)
Future Rig Plans (2015): Icom IC-M710 HF land Mobile Radio , Icom IC-F8101 HF ALE Radio, and maybe 2 and 440 Motorola Trbo XPR7550 handhelds & a MotoTrbo SL7550 UHF (440) Handheld. Also looking for a Barrett 2050 ALE or Codan Envoy/NGT ASR ALE radio.
We finally bought the 5 acre antenna farm in 2012. smiley
Computers: I am a MAC Head . smiley Imac 24in, Macbook Pro 15in, Black Macbook and Mac Mini. Use VMware Fusion for when I need a Windows Machine.
Professionally: Feel Free to Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tepower
June 01, 2015